Tiger -
•tiger |ˈtīgər| noun a very large solitary cat with a yellow-brown coat striped with black, native to the forests of Asia but becoming increasingly rare.
• Panthera tigris, family Felidae.
• used to refer to someone fierce, determined, or ambitious : despite his wound, he still fought like a tiger | one of the sport's young tigers.
• (also tiger economy) a dynamic economy of one of the smaller eastern Asian countries, esp. that of Singapore, Taiwan, or South Korea.
Venture -
venture |ˈven ch ər| noun a risky or daring journey or undertaking : pioneering ventures into little-known waters.
• a business enterprise involving considerable risk. verb [ intrans. ] dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or unpleasant : she ventured out into the blizzard.
• dare to do or say something that may be considered audacious (often used as a polite expression of hesitation or apology) : may I venture to add a few comments? | I ventured to write to her | [ trans. ] he ventured the opinion that Putt was now dangerously insane.
• [ trans. ] expose (something) to the risk of loss : his fortune is ventured in an expedition over which he has no control.